20 July 2012

Our 'hot of the press contribution' to the FGM academic world

 We  thought you might like to know that Ann-Marie’s paper entitled ‘Can lessons be learnt from eradicating footbinding in China and applied to abandoning female genital mutilation in Somalia? A critical evaluation of the possibilities offered for developing strategies to expand current promising practice’ has been published by the Journal of Gender Studies.  It is now available online and will be published in their March 2013 edition.


 If you have any colleagues or contacts you feel may be interested, please feel free to share the link to this article at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09589236.2012.681182


 We’d be delighted if you are able to promote this link via your network, and raise awareness via social media so that the findings are shared as widely as possible!  If you would like to discuss the specific findings and 28 Too Many’s plans to help FGM end acrossAfrica, do contact me, as I am happy to meet up!  We are also happy to offer free lectures, trainings and interviews!