14 November 2015

Dahlia Project support for FGM survivors

The Dahlia Project is a specialist service for women who have undergone Female Genital Mutilation.

The Project is run by the Health Advocacy Project at Manor Gardens Welfare Trust, Islington.

The Dahlia Project aims to provide a safe space for women who have experienced FGM. We provide therapeutic support groups in areas of London where there is need so that women can access support easily. We ensure a safe and non-judgemental environment for all women.

The Health Advocacy Project also provides additional support to survivors of FGM. If we cannot offer adequate support for particular queries and issues, we will direct you to more appropriate services.

If you or someone you know would benefit from this service please contact us on the number below to arrange a referral.

Telephone: 020 7281 7694

Or email Alev Erce alev@manorgardenscentre.org

The Health Advocacy Project can also provide a range of training delivered by FGM specialists.