7 February 2012

What will you be doing on 6th February?

As we mark anti-FGM Day (6th February) with attending a conference at the Royal College of Obstrectics & Gynaecologists, a reception at Westminster and an event with Sister Fa, we reflect on the last 3 months of 28TooMany activities, read on……! Journey to help change traditional practices At the end my Conference in Kenya, I

20 January 2012

Harnessing creativity - when can the arts change hearts and minds on controversial topics?

This month I attended Mike Leigh’s play ‘Grief’ – where a 1950’s war widow ‘survives’ through smoking and alcohol; her brother becomes depressed upon ‘retirement’ after 45 years of work and the 16 year old daughter commits suicide upon failing her exams with no hope for the future

6 January 2012

What has led to young girls seeking a 'designer vagina'? What's it got to do with FGM? What would you do if your daughter had asked for one for Christmas?

As many of us recover from over spending or over indulgence, spare a thought for young women influenced by the porn industry’s influence on ‘male’ desires of beauty, to seek vaginal cosmetic surgery. Labiaplasty is on the increase, rising by 70% from 2007-8 on the NHS, as confirmed by conversations with a couple of gynaecologists I recently met at a conference. The under 18 girls had researched well their mental health ‘trauma’ at having slightly unequal labia, so presented as needing surgery. Despite the fact we all have different feet, hands and breasts, there is an increase in the need for portrayed perfection, as girls are increasingly under pressure to shave their pubic areas – and so notice or are told their two labia are different sizes. It is ironic that in some of the 28 African countries that still practice FGM, labia are pulled to elongate – which is classed as Type IV

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